Application form for transport assistance for 16-19 year olds


How old will you be on 1 September this year?*

If you are over 19, then you are not entitled to transport support from Herefordshire Council. Please contact the college of your choice who may assist with the funding of your transport costs.

Council Tax

Does your household pay council tax to Herefordshire Council?*


Academic year

Are you applying for transport for now or for next September? Please choose the appropriate academic year from the drop down list below.

Parent/carer details


Parent/carer address


Time at address

Time at your current address:

Student details



Photo uploader - student photo

Browse Upload your childs photo*

Please note: maximum file size 5mb

Sibling details

Sibling travelling:

Transport application

Please note a seat is not guaranteed until you receive your pass. If the bus route you have requested is full, you will be offered the next nearest service with space.

Is this the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of study?*

Do you intend to apply to your college for a bursary to fund your transport costs?*